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The Storz Connection - Still the Best Option

18 February 2021

The Storz Connection - Still the Best Option

When connecting large diameter fire hoses, time is of the essence. In fact, it's possible to run into a host of problems when trying to use threaded connections. The best way to solve issues like these is with a Storz connection. Here is a brief history of this marvelous invention and some important benefits to consider.


Back in the late part of the 19th Century, Guido Storz came up with a way to connect fire hoses that were fast and simple. In fact, it has been the standard fire hose coupling for many European countries and Australia for many years. However, it didn't catch on, in the United States until about 40 years ago or so and there are still fire companies using the old-fashion threaded couplings.

What is the Storz Connection?

The best way to describe this coupling is "quick connect'. However, it's much more than that. In fact, it's really a two-way or sexless coupling. Sexless means that it doesn't use male and female fittings to connect hoses together or hoses to fittings.

It's quite easy to use a Storz connection. You simply press the coupling to another Storz coupling and rotate one coupling until the hooks and slots match up. You then rotate each coupling in opposite directions and tighten with a simple tool. This gives you a seal that's water-tight and will not come apart even under extreme pressure.

To release, use the tool to loosen the coupling, rotate each section and they both easily come apart.

Special Fittings

Do you know you can buy a Storz adapter connection to make old hydrants work with the quick connect coupling? When you come to American Fire Protection Co., Inc., you'll find a wide range of fire safety and firefighting supplies. Call us today at 1-360-930-8476 or toll-free at 1-800-433-5715 to see what we can do for you.

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